Voglia di Colore - Ciotola di Ramen Vegetariana or Vegetarian Ramen
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E' una strana estate con giornate afose e altre, poche a dir la verità, fresche, ventose, che viene quasi voglia di accoccolarsi sul divano e mettersi una copertina sulle gambe mentre si sfoglia una rivista e si sorseggia una tisana calda.
E' in giornate come questa che ricorro ai noodles per avere un pranzo veloce, simpatico e pieno di gusto. Ho preso confidenza con questi spaghetti di origine asiatica quando vivevo in Inghilterra, lì erano fonte di sostentamento così com'erano, uscivano dal pacchettino di plastica, finivano nell'acqua bollente con la loro bustina di insaporitore granulare e bon, la cena era pronta!
Ora non mi accontento.
Compro i noodles di riso o di soia nei negozi specializzati o di alimenti biologici, al bando gli insaporitori con ingredienti sconosciuti e largo a verdure e spezie che donano gusto e sostanze nutritive importanti.
Certo non ci metto più 3 minuti a preparare un pasto, ma la soddisfazione di mangiare un piatto così ricco non è paragonabile al buttar giù una ciotola di qualcosa di caldo solo per spezzare la fame.
I noodles possono essere mangiati asciutti, accompagnati da verdure saltate, carne e spezie, oggi li propongo in versione ramen, un piatto che nella cucina giapponese è composto da noodles appunto, serviti in brodo con verdure e carne. Questa versione è vegetariana, niente carne neppure nella preparazione del brodo, ed è sufficiente per due belle ciotole fumanti.
Per il brodo:
1 cucchiaino di olio di sesamo
1 cucchiaino d'aglio grattugiato
1 cucchiaino di zenzero fresco grattugiato
1 porro piccolo, lavato bene e affettato a rondelle
2 cucchiaini di salsa di soia
peperoncino in polvere, q.b.
800 ml di acqua
Per servire:
200 g di noodles di riso
200 g di noodles di riso
1 manciata di funghi champignon, puliti e affettati
1 manciata di fagiolini, spuntati e cotti a vapore
1 spicchio di cavolo cappuccio rosso, affettato sottilmente e cotto a vapore
salsa agrodolce piccante o sriracha, per servire
Mettete tutti gli ingredienti per il brodo in una pentola abbastanza capiente e portate a ebollizione. Fate cuocere poi per una decina di minuti, abbassando la fiamma. Assaggiate e aggiustate con salsa di soia e peperoncino per avere un brodo saporito e piccante al punto giusto.
Nel frattempo cuocete a vapore i fagiolini e il cavolo rosso già affettato, fino a che saranno cotti ma ancora croccanti.
Quando le verdure saranno pronte, portate ancora a ebollizione il brodo, versateci i noodles e fateli cuocere seguendo le istruzioni del pacchetto.
Componete i ramen suddividendo il brodo e i noodles in due ciotole, aggiungete le verdure e servite con le salse, agrodolce o piccante, a seconda dei gusti.
English Version
It's been a strange summer, mostly hot, but we've had a few chilly days when I almost wanted to curl up on the sofa with a throw over my legs while leafing through a magazine and sipping a hot herbal tea. It is on days like these that I resort to noodles to have a quick, nice and tasty lunch. I became familiar with these Asian spaghetti when I was living in England. Over there they came out of the plastic bag, ended up in boiling water with their powdered flavourings and that was it, dinner was ready!
Now that is not enough for me anymore.
I buy rice or soy noodles in specialized grocery stores or organic food shops, I don't use the flavorings with unknown ingredients anymore, and I use instead lots of fresh vegetables and spices that add taste and important nutrients.
Of course now it takes more than 3 minutes to prepare a meal, but it is much better eating a dish so rich rather than having a bowl of something hot just to keep my hunger bay.
The noodles can be eaten on their own, served with sautéed vegetables, meat and spices. Today I serve them ramen style, a dish that, in Japanese cuisine, is made of noodles served in a savoury broth with vegetables and meat. This is a vegetarian version, no meat even in the preparation of the broth, and it is enough for two great steaming bowls.
For the broth:
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1 teaspoon of grated garlic
1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger
1 small leek, washed well and sliced thinly
2 teaspoons of soy sauce
chilli powder, to taste
800 ml of water
To serve:
200 g of rice noodles
1 handful of button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1 handful of green beans, ends cut off and steamed
1 small wedge of red cabbage, thinly sliced and steamed
sweet and sour or sriracha sauce, to serve
Put all the ingredients for the stock in a fairly large pot and bring to a boil. Cook for about ten minutes, lowering the heat. Taste and adjust with soy sauce and chilli powder to get a tasty and spicy broth.
Meanwhile steam the green beans and the already sliced red cabbage, until they are cooked but still with a bite.
When the vegetables are ready, bring the stock to a boil again, put the noodles in it and cook them following the instructions on the package.
Serve the ramen dividing the broth and the noodles into two bowls, add the vegetables and serve with the sweet and sour or sriracha sauce, according to taste.
Nel frattempo cuocete a vapore i fagiolini e il cavolo rosso già affettato, fino a che saranno cotti ma ancora croccanti.
Quando le verdure saranno pronte, portate ancora a ebollizione il brodo, versateci i noodles e fateli cuocere seguendo le istruzioni del pacchetto.
Componete i ramen suddividendo il brodo e i noodles in due ciotole, aggiungete le verdure e servite con le salse, agrodolce o piccante, a seconda dei gusti.
English Version
It's been a strange summer, mostly hot, but we've had a few chilly days when I almost wanted to curl up on the sofa with a throw over my legs while leafing through a magazine and sipping a hot herbal tea. It is on days like these that I resort to noodles to have a quick, nice and tasty lunch. I became familiar with these Asian spaghetti when I was living in England. Over there they came out of the plastic bag, ended up in boiling water with their powdered flavourings and that was it, dinner was ready!
Now that is not enough for me anymore.
I buy rice or soy noodles in specialized grocery stores or organic food shops, I don't use the flavorings with unknown ingredients anymore, and I use instead lots of fresh vegetables and spices that add taste and important nutrients.
Of course now it takes more than 3 minutes to prepare a meal, but it is much better eating a dish so rich rather than having a bowl of something hot just to keep my hunger bay.
The noodles can be eaten on their own, served with sautéed vegetables, meat and spices. Today I serve them ramen style, a dish that, in Japanese cuisine, is made of noodles served in a savoury broth with vegetables and meat. This is a vegetarian version, no meat even in the preparation of the broth, and it is enough for two great steaming bowls.
For the broth:
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1 teaspoon of grated garlic
1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger
1 small leek, washed well and sliced thinly
2 teaspoons of soy sauce
chilli powder, to taste
800 ml of water
To serve:
200 g of rice noodles
1 handful of button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1 handful of green beans, ends cut off and steamed
1 small wedge of red cabbage, thinly sliced and steamed
sweet and sour or sriracha sauce, to serve
Put all the ingredients for the stock in a fairly large pot and bring to a boil. Cook for about ten minutes, lowering the heat. Taste and adjust with soy sauce and chilli powder to get a tasty and spicy broth.
Meanwhile steam the green beans and the already sliced red cabbage, until they are cooked but still with a bite.
When the vegetables are ready, bring the stock to a boil again, put the noodles in it and cook them following the instructions on the package.
Serve the ramen dividing the broth and the noodles into two bowls, add the vegetables and serve with the sweet and sour or sriracha sauce, according to taste.
Queste bowl colorate sono la mia passione! La tua è proprio intrigante!
RispondiEliminaGrazie Consuelo, anche a me piacciono tanto, cerco sempre idee nuove per non annoiarmi e queste fanno proprio il caso mio, almeno una cosa buona nell'andare verso l'autunno ci sarà no?