Pomodori Verdi Fritti alla Fermata del 4 or Green Fried Tomatoes at the No. 4 Bus Stop
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Ho mangiato i pomodori verdi fritti per la prima volta da piccola e mi son subito piaciuti, un po' perché mi sembravano una cosa esotica, che da che mondo era mondo i pomodori si mangiavano rossi, maturi e succosi, e poi perché, diciamocelo, tutto diventa buono quando è fritto!
Chissà da dove aveva tirato fuori la ricetta mamma... ogni tanto se ne saltava fuori con qualcosa da sperimentare e il più delle volte il risultato era ottimo, ogni tanto invece, come quella volta degli gnocchi alla parigina o le innumerevoli torte di riso fatte controvoglia, venivan fuori dei pasticci che mangiavamo lo stesso, perché non così orribili, ma erano una delusione delle aspettative per un gusto nuovo che si rivelava blando o non di nostro gradimento.
Con i pomodori verdi invece il successo fu immediato! Ricordo anche di marmellate di pomodori verdi, forse con gli ultimi pomodori della stagione che proprio di maturarne non ne volevano sapere...
Ma torniamo a noi e alla frittura!
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 2 pomodori verdi
- 1 uovo sbattuto con un cucchiaio d'acqua
- farina
- pangrattato
- sale
- pepe
- olio per friggere
Dopo aver lavato e asciugato i pomodori si tagliano facendo fette di circa 1 cm di spessore.
Si sbatte l'uovo con l'acqua, aggiungendo un pizzico abbondante di sale e una macinata di pepe.
Si mette a scaldare l'olio in una padella capiente e si preparano 3 piatti in cui metteremo gli ingredienti per la panatura.
Si passeranno le fette di pomodoro prima nella farina, poi nell'uovo e infine nel pangrattato.
Una volta che tutte le fette saranno panate le friggeremo in olio bollente e le scoleremo su carta assorbente servendole ben calde.
Sono ottime per accompagnare carni alla griglia, o formaggi, non mi ricordo con cosa le abbiamo mangiate noi... hanno offuscato il resto del pasto!
English Version
The first time I had green fried tomatoes I was a child and I rimember I liked them a lot. I fell in love with them because I tought it was kind of exotic eating something that was not ripe yet, but I believe that I liked them so much because they were fried.
I don't know where mom got the recipe from. Every now and then she'd come up with something new to try and most of the times the results were very pleasing. Occasionally, like the time she tried "Gnocchi à la Parisienne", or the many times she'd bake a rice cake, the ending product was a bit of a disappointment but we ate it nevertheless.
The green tomatoes were a hit!
I remember green tomato jam, I believe it was made with the last tomatoes of the season that would not ripen...
Let's go back to the fried toms!
Ingredients for 4 servings as a side dish:
•2 green tomatoes
•1 egg beaten with a tbsp water
•oil for frying
Wash and dry the tomatoes, then cut 1 cm thick slices.
Beat the egg with the water, and add a good pinch of salt and some freshly ground pepper.
Heat the oil and prepare 3 dishes for the different ingredients for the tomato coating.
Dip the tomato slices in flour, then in the egg, and in the end in the breadcrumbs.
Once all of the slices are coated fry them in the hot oil, and drain them on kitchen paper.
Serve hot.
They are great as a side for grilled meat, or as an accompaniment for cheese. I don't remember what we had with them, they were so good I forgot all about the rest of the meal!
I don't know where mom got the recipe from. Every now and then she'd come up with something new to try and most of the times the results were very pleasing. Occasionally, like the time she tried "Gnocchi à la Parisienne", or the many times she'd bake a rice cake, the ending product was a bit of a disappointment but we ate it nevertheless.
The green tomatoes were a hit!
I remember green tomato jam, I believe it was made with the last tomatoes of the season that would not ripen...
Let's go back to the fried toms!
Ingredients for 4 servings as a side dish:
•2 green tomatoes
•1 egg beaten with a tbsp water
•oil for frying
Wash and dry the tomatoes, then cut 1 cm thick slices.
Beat the egg with the water, and add a good pinch of salt and some freshly ground pepper.
Heat the oil and prepare 3 dishes for the different ingredients for the tomato coating.
Dip the tomato slices in flour, then in the egg, and in the end in the breadcrumbs.
Once all of the slices are coated fry them in the hot oil, and drain them on kitchen paper.
Serve hot.
They are great as a side for grilled meat, or as an accompaniment for cheese. I don't remember what we had with them, they were so good I forgot all about the rest of the meal!
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