Lunch - Insalata di Patate or Potato Salad
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Con in testa l'idea delle vacanze e tante cose ancora da fare, oggi proprio non avevo voglia di cucinare così ho dato un'occhiata al frigo e ho visto un "fondino" di prosciutto crudo, e subito ho pensato a una bella insalata di patate in stile tedesco, naturalmente alla mia maniera.
Ho preso 2 patate rosse non troppo grandi, dopo averle lavate e sbucciate le ho tagliate a fette abbastanza spesse e messe a cuocere a vapore. Nel frattempo ho tagliato qualche fetta di prosciutto a listarelle e ho fatto rosolare in un padellino con una noce di burro. Appena il prosciutto ha cambiato colore ho tolto dal fuoco e tagliato a dadini molto piccoli. Ho lavato bene una mela verde e l'ho tagliata a fette spesse qualche millimetro. Una volta che le patate sono state pronte le ho messe su un piatto, condite con pepe nero macinato fresco, sale aromatizzato al rosmarino e un filo d'olio extravergine d'oliva saporito, Ho aggiunto il prosciutto, le fette di mela e qualche scaglia di grana. Il piatto era pronto.
Una bella insalata di patate dai colori chiari e sapori intensi, ottima in estate.
Thinking about the coming holidays and with so many things still to be done, today I didn’t feel like cooking so I had a look in the fridge and saw a small piece of Parma ham, and I immediately thought of a nice German-style potato salad my way.
I took 2 medium red potatoes washed and peeled them. I cut them in fairly thick slices then I steamed them. While the potatoes were cooking, I cut a few slices of ham into strips and stir-fried them in a pan with a knob of butter. Once the ham has changed colour I removed it from pan and cut it into very small cubes. I washed a green apple an cut it into thin slices. Once the potatoes were ready I put them on a plate, seasoned with freshly ground black pepper, rosemary flavoured salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil flavor, I added the ham, apple slices and a few slivers of Parmesan cheese. Ready to be served.
A beautiful potato salad with light colors and intense flavours, a great dish for the summer.
English Version
Thinking about the coming holidays and with so many things still to be done, today I didn’t feel like cooking so I had a look in the fridge and saw a small piece of Parma ham, and I immediately thought of a nice German-style potato salad my way.
I took 2 medium red potatoes washed and peeled them. I cut them in fairly thick slices then I steamed them. While the potatoes were cooking, I cut a few slices of ham into strips and stir-fried them in a pan with a knob of butter. Once the ham has changed colour I removed it from pan and cut it into very small cubes. I washed a green apple an cut it into thin slices. Once the potatoes were ready I put them on a plate, seasoned with freshly ground black pepper, rosemary flavoured salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil flavor, I added the ham, apple slices and a few slivers of Parmesan cheese. Ready to be served.
A beautiful potato salad with light colors and intense flavours, a great dish for the summer.
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